> Support > FAQ
Frequently asked question and its answer about CYPERGAMES.COM can be read through FAQ.
If you have any question about game contents furthermore,
please proceed to FAQ section in each games's websites.
What is Integrated Account?
How do I join as a member?
What is Free Premium CP?
What is Premium CP?
I cannot buy item in premium mall. Why?
My account was hacked or scammed, what do I do?
Can I get refund for my cyper money?
Can stealing be reported?
How do I download the game?
How do I change my password?
How do I delete my account?
Can I get my account unblocked for chargeback?
How can I tell the difference between a GM and a fake one?
I cant install the game.
The game has been installed but it won't run.
Why was my account blocked for Bug exploitation?
What is considered an illegal name?
Why was my account blocked for illegal Character or Guild names?