Operation Policy

1. Purpose of the Operation Policy

1.1 This operation policy for Cyper Online, Darkeden and Deco Online ("Operation Policy") was made in order to resolve inconveniences and problems that disrupt the smooth operation of the game in a helpful, fair, and standardized manner.

1.2 All GM's/CS are familiar with the Operation Policy and thus all services and actions of the Cyper Online, Deco Online and Darkeden operations team (the "Operations Team") are administered according to the Operation Policy. Also, any details not covered in this Operation Policy may be resolved in accordance with common rules and regulations.

1.3 The Operation Policy is subject to addition/revision/and deletion by the Operations Team. In the case of any changes to the Operation Policy, notice of such changes will be posted in advance on the homepage by the Operations Team.

1.4 If a user violates any part of this Operation Policy, he/she may receive a warning and/or penalty according to this Operation Policy. If the violation is found to have or likely to have serious effects , the user may immediately be restricted or blocked from using his/her account and/or have his/her use of the said account terminated.

1.5 All official correspondences of Cyper Online, Deco Online and Darkeden will only be conveyed through homepage notices, announcements that appear at the start of the game as well as in the launcher, in-game announcements by GM's, and through the customer support center. All other communications will not be recognized as official.

1.6 CYPER GAMES Co., Ltd. ("Company") and the Operations Team will not be held responsible for any damages or problems arising from a failure on the user's part to familiarize themselves with notices and announcements made by Cyper Online, Deco Online and Darkeden.

2. Account and Character Name Policy

2.1 The Operations Team will not disclose user information to other users. Only when there is a request from a government and/or law enforcement agency in accordance with the procedures prescribed by relevant laws, will there be any such disclosure.

2.2 Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their own accounts and all relevant responsibilities attached to their accounts.

2.3 The Company and Operations Team cannot resolve or assist with any problem with accounts and/or character management that arises from user’s carelessness. These responsibilities also belong to the user.
- Problems that arise from transfer of user accounts and characters.
- Problems that arise from negligent management of user's own password.

2.4 There is a 7 day waiting period in order for a character to be deleted, on Cyper Online and the character is properly deleted after this 7 day period, And in other games there is no waiting period. Characters and items deleted properly will not be restored.

2.5 Users can choose their character names freely. However, character names may be corrected/modified/deleted for the following reasons.
- Names that are found to be offensive and/or abusive to others
- Names that impersonate or give the impression of official company representatives, GM's, and other Company’s employees
- Names that resemble or may cause confusion with GM names already in existence.
- Lewd or discriminatory character names
- Character names that advocate antisocial or illegal actions
- Racist or sexist character names
- Character names that persecute a specific individual or are libelous towards them.
- Character names that infringe or may violate third party trademarks, copyrights
- Character names that approximate to or resemble vulgar and/or offensive words.

3. Dispute between Users

3.1 In cases users do not violate any rules or regulations, the Operations Team will not intervene disputes between users.

4. Policy against Account Theft (Hacking)

4.1 Account theft/hacking is defined as illegal appropriation or destruction of computerizes data sent or received. The hacking/account theft usually occurs by negligent management by the user of his own account information.

4.2 The Operations Team will not offer services regarding account theft/hacking for the time being for the purpose of providing better service in the future.

5. Policy against System Abuse

5.1 If a user is found to be abusing a bug or system glitch, the user may have his account restricted or deleted. Listed below are similar instances in which similar action may be taken.
- If a user is found to be inducing or encouraging particular behavior with the intent of placing undue stress on the systems.
- If a user discovers a bug and, instead of reporting it directly to a GM or Customer Support, tells it to other users
- If a user gets a profit directly or indirectly from exploitation of a bug.

5.2 Users found to be using or distributing illegal programs may be subject to restrictions of their account or have their account deleted. In particular cases, the user may be subject to investigation by the proper authorities.

6. Policy against Breach or Nuisance

6.1 Breach or Nuisance means the act or the omission of act breaching the specified rules in the Operation Policy or analogous thereto which prevents other users from normal and fair use of the game or commit a nuisance to specified or unspecified other users.

6.2 Penalties are strictly applied thereto pursuant to the standard set forth in this Policy.

6.3 Penalties including the period comprised time, date or etc therein shall be expired with lapse of the period, provided however that the deleted or suspended ID pursuant to the Operation Policy does not include such period in any case.

6.4 In case similar or different type of breach(es) or nuisance(s) exists, penalties could be cumulative pursuant to each rules in the standard.

6.5 Penalties could be applied to user in accordance with the gravity of the breach or nuisance without relevant notice even though it comes to the exception clause.

6.6 If a filing is made regarding other users breach or nuisance, Operations Team will review and make penalties in accordance with the Operation Policy under the condition that such filing is followed by objective evidence.

6.7 Notwithstanding the specified provisions regarding the substance of the sanction, the details of the penalties could be different in accordance with the details or the degree of the breach or nuisance provided however that such difference could happen solely for the purpose of smooth or fair game operation and not other purposes in any event.

6.8 The penalties not specified this section regarding the breach or nuisance shall be fairly and strictly decided and executed pursuant to the Operation Policy and other related regulations equivalent thereto.

7. Policy against account Sharing

7.1 At CYPER GAMES, we prioritize fairness, integrity, and the overall gaming experience for all our players. To ensure a level playing field and maintain the security of our user accounts, we have implemented a strict policy against sharing accounts.

7.2 Account sharing refers to the practice of giving access to your personal account to another individual, whether it be a friend, family member, or any other third party. We want to emphasize that account sharing is strictly forbidden and can result in severe consequences, including the permanent suspension or banning of your account.

Why is account sharing prohibited?

7.3 Security and Privacy: Sharing your account credentials puts your personal information and gaming progress at risk. We strive to maintain the utmost privacy and data security for our users, and sharing account details compromises this commitment.

7.4 Fairness: Account sharing disrupts fair play and can lead to unfair advantages or manipulations within the game. It creates an uneven playing field and diminishes the competitive spirit of our gaming community.

7.5 Responsibility: As the sole owner of your account, you are responsible for any actions performed under your account. Sharing your account means relinquishing control over its usage, leaving you vulnerable to potential violations or misuse.

7.5 To maintain a healthy gaming environment and protect the interests of our players, we urge you to refrain from sharing your account with anyone else. If you encounter any issues or require assistance, we have a dedicated support team available to provide guidance and address your concerns.

8. Homepage Policy

8.1 Users agree not to use the service provided by the Company to: (i) upload, post, e-mail or otherwise transmit content that infringes any third party rights; (ii) impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, GM and any employee of the Company; (iii) upload, post, e-mail or otherwise transmit content that violates any law or regulation; (iv) upload, post, e-mail or otherwise transmit content as determined by Operations Team at its sole discretion that is harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable; or contains any viruses, trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots or other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information; (v) upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any content that you do not have a right to transmit under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under nondisclosure agreements); (vi) upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation; (vii) interfere with or disrupt the service or servers or networks connected to the service, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Service; or (viii) "stalk" or otherwise harass another member. The Company or Operations Team can delete messages posted on the forums without any notice if they seem in its sole discretion as breach the home page policy mentioned in this article, and you may also receive penalties set forth in chapter 8 of this Operation Policy.

8.2 Posted messages encompass both posts made on the forum as well as any comments or annotations to the posts.

9. Penalty

9.1 If any user breaches terms of this Operations Policy may be subject to penalties according to the following standard:

Clause 1 frequency 2 frequency 3 frequency 4 frequency
Obscene, abusive speech directed at specific individuals and/or general population 1 day account
3 day account
5 day account
7 day account
Prevention of proper operation 3 day account
5 day account
7 day account
10 day account
Subject to change due to situation
Site or commercial advertising 3 day account
5 day account
10 day account
Permanent account
The sale of items and accounts for real money/goods, other game account/item sale, illegal joint account sharing 5 day account
10 day account
20 day account
Permanent account
Hacking using a third party tool 3 day account
5 day account
10 day account
Permanent account
Subject to change due to situation
False reporting of unwholesome behavior 5 day account
10 day account
Permanent account
Character/guild names that violate policy Subject to change by GM decision
Spreading of rumors and/ or unconfirmed reports related to game or service Penalty is dependent on content or severity of rumor or unconfirmed report.
Killing your character from the opposing nation for fame is strictly prohibited 3 day account
Gain fame reduce x2
5 day account
Gain fame reduce x2
10 day account
Gain fame reducek x2
Permanent account
Subject to change due to situation
Bug exploitation
(copying of items and etc.)
Penalty is dependent on severity of bug impact on game, duration of exploitation. All content generated from bugs will be deleted.